Posts Tagged 'Bing', David to google’s Goliath?

I like to have a look at where people come from to get to this blog, and today I noticed that a large proportion of today’s traffic has come from searches on a search engine called Weird, I’ve never heard of this search engine before.

 My first reaction was why wouldn’t you just use google?

My second reaction was to google


So this new search engine is basically Microsoft’s answer to Google. Good luck Microsoft! Google’s a monster but I’ll be interested to see how Bing stacks up. The word “google” has become a part of our vernacular, I wonder if people will be open to replacing that with “bing”.

How do you like so far?

I tried bing-ing “struck by enlightning” and I didn’t like how it pulled results with enlightEning automatically rather than acting if I’d like to correct it.

I do like how bing puts related searches in the left column as opposed to google putting them at the bottom, because I like using those.

It is very pretty…I’m assuming the picture above is the Canadian version. I wonder if they’ll change the background picture for holidays like Google. We’ll see!

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